The real estate company in Luxor city for sale and rent properties
The sale price is 60,000 Euro for this unfurnished apartment.
This Unfurnished apartment is located on second floor of a 3 storey apartment building. The apartment building has an iron gate with staircases entrance, also there is a small boarding area for the elderly.
The unfurnished apartment consists of :-
3 rooms on of them next to the apartment door and the others with nice terrace on balcony looking to the Nile and mountains .
there is a bathroom with W.C, face wash basin and shower.
Also the apartment has an open lounge area with a kitchen, salon, Gypsum board for ceiling and TV screen with terrace on balcony looking to the Nile and mountains .
This unfurnished apartment is looking to the Nile and mountains with nice views.
This is a common note that can be displayed on all properties but controlled from one simple option.
Price on application
Added: August 15, 2020
Price on application
Added: July 2, 2022
Price on application
Added: August 18, 2020
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